The End of Energy…..Despotisms Diversions

The End of Energy

Despotisms Diversions

As the demand for energy increases by the day, electricity will soon become number one energy priority, it is now but no one is paying attention mainly because people think it will always be there, this simply is not true. Demands are based upon consumption of electrical power, electrical power is used in everything we do or use. Our consumption of electricity is rising at an alarming rate in cities throughout the nation; the frightening facet about the dilemma is nothing is being done, nor has any effort been made for thirty years to increase the supply. Congress did not make laws to fund any new electrical power plant which means demand has increased tenfold yet supply has remained the same. So here is what happens.

Supply and demand dictates that when demand exceeds supply a short fall must occur, a shortfall in electricity means …lights out!! That is, lights out for the common folks but not for those in political power, in the interim Washington DC and lawmakers in Congress who wrote the unconstitutional laws which stopped construction of new electrical power facilities in the first place, will be conducting their live in the security of the elitist Washington beltway. I’ll explain why, though most may not believe it.

To continue, as I said before to understand the theory of …..lights out remember NO new power plants have been constructed in decades, leaving this technologically advanced country with an antiquated electrical power system doomed to fail, very shortly, may I add. And to add insult to injury a power failure will happen while a second rate nation like France produces 85% of her electrical demands with safe and efficient nuclear power. So what the hell is our government doing, or for that matter, has it done to “promote the general welfare” as the Constitution demands.  They are busy talking about protecting the environment from global warming, and talking and more talking soon we will be talking in the dark! You Congressional Idiots!

Okay now I’m pissed off! Now listen to this if you can stand the grand king of stupidity. It has been proven years ago that nuclear powered electrical plants are the safest and the most efficient form of generating electrical power. Why are we not leading France in this worth wile endeavor to produce volumes more power that by the way, does not use Oil as a fuel? Ready for this….Would you believe because of a FICTIONAL Hollywood movie called The China Syndrome? Oh Yes my friends, this is what happened, shortly after the movie was released the same liberal stupid morons who believed in “yes we can, hope and change” actually believed the movie was the truth. The leftist liberal bubble headed morons reaction was so severe politicians ordered a nuclear freeze on all future nuclear power plants because of one dammed movie, “The China Syndrome.”

There is no doubt in my mind that this movie was made for two specific reasons one was to raise reasonable doubt, doubt about nuclear reactors safety, the key word in this case being safety, and it worked! I kid you not. And this movie was planned well in advance of the electrical short fall that is to come, a masterpiece of deception that achieved its reason for its sly inception. Secondly, the movie has a political agenda which is clear, do yourself a favor and watch it, it was to use the liberal mind of irrational emotions… and…..Stop nuclear power! And ….it worked, they were two for two. Kindly keep in mind I expose all of the hoopla for a reason nuclear electrical power plants were the answer way back then to the energy crisis we face today…. So realize this, because of the action taken then, now ….it’s too late… this crisis never should have happened….and yet still exists today.

As I said before, I’ll say it again nuclear electrical power has been proven safe and extremely efficient, cheep and reliable yet this farfetched movie had such an impact on liberals it is embarrassing to admit that liberal legislators could be stupid enough to believe it, but never the less it movie raised enough doubt that, from then on nuclear generated electrical power plants, the life blood of America were out! And incidentally, when the power overload causes the antiquated power grid to burn out, rendering this country dark; Mssss Hanoi Jane Fonda, movie star and all other and coconspirators, the misinformation in this movie, that made them all made millions … I will seek my long sought after vengeance on and remind everyone of my readers who was responsible for it….and that is YOU!

Where does this electrical energy atrocity leave us? I’ll put it this way, it’s not as bad as its seems, and it’s ten times worse. Because, let’s assume for argument sake this country began planning for multiple construction of power plants tomorrow, which is impossible, the shear inflexible NRC the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s regulation and the EPA would stop any proposed power plant in paperwork alone, long before a major disaster occurs. Get the picture, this is not speculation, it is fact, whatever this country does today, is sad to say, “Too little….Too Late!… Sorry!

Logic dictates that without the constant flow of electron through the enormous amount of high voltage wires, generated by power plants the wires will and have in many instances collapsed. Vital electrical services most people give little thought to would no longer exist, TVs, heat, lights, are to be the instrument of mans downfall. The dependence on electronics namely computers will soon be realized when power fails. Our civil society has elevated humanity for primeval man to the age of computers. Computers actually think for us in many ways, like cash registers. Computers bank for us, do mail for us, the best is computers have become a dating service for us. So humanity is going to make another grievous error, humans thinks it no longer needs fire, but think again.

When electrical power fails, and it will, the domino theory begins as the first domino falls. Over time the generator and battery backup systems run out and the computer shut down, sewer treatment plants will shut down causing every toilet to back up, water pumping stations shut down leaving households high and dry. Eventually gas stations will not have the power to pump fuel trucks and autos come to a stop. All of this while we sit helplessly in the dark wondering what we are to do. Because everything; and I mean everything we use relies on electrical power, when the electrical domino falls this nation will simply STOP! Wow! That sounds extreme, oh yes it was meant to, every administration from Jimmy Carter to Obama is responsible for the calamity that is to come, and it is coming…Soon!

As I previously mentioned, France with its nuclear power, will not be in the dark, but mark my words, this country will be. And again, it is already too late! The question then is what can we do about it? If you are looking for solutions to electrical energy, or the economic crisis look no farther. All of the problems this nation faces stems from our moral decline into the obis of leftist liberalism, which is in essence blind utopian dreamers who haven’t a clue about consequences of their actions. And I will say this regrettably, it is too late to change political course liberalism put this country on, it’s simply ….just too late!

America trusted liberal politicians it guard this republic and our Constitutional Rights… they did not. In its stead liberalism stole our liberty and replaced it with government agencies which impeded innovation, stifled production of energy and stopped economic growth, while imprisoning this nation in their altruistic world of utopian dreams which are about to end, miserably at best. So what now; now America is going to pay the price…pay for its lack of attention, pay for letting go of our God given liberty, and most of all pay for letting liberalism enslave us, sad to say but as we will soon see…. true.

Politician’s talks a lot about the rising energy demands on America, talks about how we are going to use wind and solar power to meet our energy needs, they talk about clean energy, and they talk and talk and talk. America needs action not talk, action not prevention, action gets the job done. Regulation by environmental legislators both democratic and republican made the EPA beast and hundreds of others like it. Legislators should have been relentlessly reviewing, overhauling, and discarding the agencies within the bureaucratic debacle that stifle the production of energy.

Know this, Obama was chosen not for his ability to lead this nation, Obama was chosen for his ability as a community organizer to use smoke and mirrors to distract and that is the one job he does well. To liberals he is so slick he could sell snow balls to native Alaskans. Conversely the rational right knows he is pissing on our leg and telling us it’s raining, this is what Obama does best….he lies.

Personally, I have faith in God and my patriotic countryman; real Americans do not quit without a fight. So when the words I wrote herein come true and Americans are sitting in the dark for a few weeks with nothing to eat, no water to wash with, the course of action will be quite clear and, for the second time in history ….man will discover fire, remember that!

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