Bang, Your Dead! – Series 3 – “The Time Is Up!”

“The Time Is Up”

Blog –(24) -3/12/10

Part three


“Bang, You are Dead!”


One step beyond the Twilight Zone lurks political evil, somewhere between the pit of mans fears and the summit of his knowledge. This evil has infested the civil society as cancer does to the human host by mutating its cells. And, much like the mutated cancer cells this political evil has produced a small breed of illogical, politically correct foolish thinkers that somehow managed to mysteriously encapsulate their passive, yet tolerant masses with an ideology of foolihsness while perverting our government and its laws. Thus producing a governing body that seems as though it is a story out of Alice in Wonderland which we have come to know as liberalism or in other words…the fools running the insane asylum. And, as I have noted before in part two of this series “The Jig Is Up” if foolish liberals, who act and react upon shear emotions are allowed the run the government then there is no hope for society. In reality of course, fools would not be allowed to run an insane asylums because the insane inmates would escape and, likewise, the same fools should not be elected to political office.

History will bare me out in proving my claim to be self-evident, but one must look at the most prominent well known models of insanity that fools elected to office, they are, of course Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini of the WW-2 era then we have our certifiably nut cases of this era, starting with Sudam Hassan and sons, Castro, Chavez, the Ayatollah… “And on and on we go where we stop nobody knows.” However, the child’s fable in this case, simply is not true because the pragmatic conservative does know where this insanity will stop, and be warned, the time is up.

The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made his intentions quite clear, unlike incoherent liberal fools in our government who derive their notion of appeasement from their fear of direct confrontation. Conversely, Ahmadinejad emphatically denies Israel is a legitimate state and, at the same time minces no words about it, he flat out threatens to annihilate Israel with an Atomic Bomb, while almost thanking Obama for his timely pacification in the matter. The truth be told Ahmadinejad, rather than Obama, is the one who is rational, he concisely knows what he is going to achieve, Obama, on the other hand, is clueless which is both foolish and insane.

For example, hypothetically speaking, if a 4’-2”gang banger weighting 110 pounds was standing in front of me with my friend standing alongside of me saying to my face calmly and rationally, “Your friend Israel over there took my house and kept me out of it for a long time, and for years you Uncle Sap give me the gun of appeasement but no bullets, but now things have changed because my friend Russia gave me two bullets for my gun to kill you with, one for him and one for you. And here they are in the palm of my hand, I will now put one bullet in the gun, put the gun to Israel’s head and blow his brains out. And, because you Uncle Sap are the great Satan which to Islam is nothing but a society of perverted sub humans and since you are the Jews friend ….Bang, Your Dead!”

The logical conclusion to the overly simplistic aforementioned scenario would be to restrain the gang banging assailant from his feeble attempt at vengeance. Notorious thugs and terrorists alike achieve their victorious conquests in several ways through physiological intimidation, atrocities against humanity, and the castigation of the innocent. Therefore, defensive aggression of the self or the nation should be rapidly implemented for prudent sake. Given the size and weight of the, would be assailant, (the little turd Ahmadinejad) one can arrive at the logical conclusion that, without bullets the gun he is wielding is useless and, the only weapon he possesses at the moment is his extremely large mouth. A person, or for that matter a country could and should, when faced with aggression muster all the courage necessary, close ones fist tightly, then with all of our might punch the little son of a bitch square in the nose with one hand while removing the fire arm from his possession with the other.

Here again the law of physics clearly states, a body in motion tends to stay in motion, which will result in the fact that this pathetic loud mouth piece of fecal matter will fall backwards on the ground hopefully, with legs spread…as one who is an avid believer in the tactics taught by the ancient martial arts instructors, who impress  upon us students, often with great personal pain involved, that a fight is not over until the opponent can no longer resume his conquest of aggression or in other words, when the basterd is dead. Therefore, in this scenario while one has obtained the advantage over the gang banging terrorist who now lies flat on his back blood streaming down his tear filled cheeks we must, of course, utilize his open groin area for several reasons, that is to defeat, demoralize and decimate our adversary. This is achieved naturally by, a good old soccer kick to his balls. Next, remove the Russian made bullets from the terrorists hand, load them into the gun he, moments ago was threatening me with, place the muzzle against his temple, cock the hammer, and ask him, amidst his moans of pain, the words of Dirty Harry Callahan, “Do you feel lucky punk.” Then and only then is the battle over, disarmed – defeated – demoralized – decimated, our enemies must lie helpless at our feet, which is where America gains power. Heed this warning my countryman, America will either be defeated or we will defeat our enemy, so chose this day, which shall it be, then get ready, get tough and prepare for the revolution that is to come…. But know this….only one will win…. the other shall loose.

Think rationally now, observe the Red Chinese people’s liberation army who have successfully created a submarine so quiet that it is virtually undetectable, surfacing at will wherever it is required to. One attack sub of this caliber is capable of deploying multiple atomic warheads; the Red Chinese now have six to eight song class 096 boats. And lo and behold, A Chinese submarine launched a missile thirty miles off the coast of California in United States waters, which is not only a server act or aggression but a prelude to war yet, no action was taken by the Commander and Chief and, the spineless New media dropped the story like a hot potato, the pentagon ran and hid, and homeless security stuffed its head in the sand, get the picture? When another of seven Red Chinese attack boats slink through our defense systems to surface one day soon, armed this time with nuclear weapons…. America will then know

“The Time Is Up” action is the our only means of survival, our enemies know “The Jig Is Up” America hid like a frightened child when “The Sub Is Up” and the next time its surfaces its……..

“Bang, Your Dead!”

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