Fair and Balanced Bull

Fair and Balanced Bull

Blog 6 November 2010

I will not waste any time divulging my disgust for bios journalists reporting the news those of whom, for the most part, knowingly and willingly, continue to supply ammunition for a system of government, which continually violates our Constitution; this infuriates me and apparently millions of my countrymen.

And now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing weather that nation or any nation can long endure. Sound familiar, it should because America once again is locked in mortal combat, another divisive civil war over unresolved differences of two diametrically opposing ideologies collide. Oh yes, the battle rages as if it were a fire out of control and it is, oddly enough this battle is also against slavery, the mass media slavery of people through oppression of the truth which aids in controlling the minds and thoughts of this nation a taken over by liberal extremists entrenched in the News media and government. Nevertheless, the battle shall be won for the hearts and minds of a nation once conceived in liberty, as of the November second legislative election it has become apparent the tide has shifted. Americans have become aware that liberalism espouses socialist ideology it is now, and has been, attempting a hostile takeover the liberty and our God given freedoms. This crisis comes at a time when the American people supporting our Constitution , could use all the help a free nation would expect from the news media which it does not receive.

I’ll be forthright in my severe criticism of televisions news, or lack thereof in reporting important events, especially so called conservative Fox News. Do not get me wrong, since its inception Fox News remains of far above its media competition, with one exception. Initially, a strictly conservative News media outlet, Fox has slowly drifted off course to the dread politically correct centrist position trying to convince the public, with its Fair and Balanced Bull how bipartisan Fox News really is, and that okay, but on the other hand, conservative Fox News engages in hypocrisy which is the crux of my argument in this article. Take for instance; the concept of centrist positions, by virtue of its nature, centrists are devoid of commitment, hence the name centrist, or one who simply can’t, or won’t commit to the left or right commonly referred to as a moderate.

And, by the way, since moderates cost this country the Presidential election with their naïve belief in the hope and change -idiocy, I then decided these centrist, moderates are the enemy thereby detach myself, with extreme prodigious from any and all form of moderates, and become a news media recluse who detests moderates, naturally not them personally, just stupidly. In a profound way the Presidential election decimated my faith in the moderate voter’s ideals, personally I was miffed, and much to my chagrin the pathetic vacillating cowards who refused to stand for liberty, instead chose for America the inauspicious course of an oligarchy. Obama’s campaigned promise of hope and change stocked the flames of feminized moderate men lacking the intestinal fortitude, so in reality America, it’s time to take off the gloves and fight with bare knuckles, starting with the conservative News media. Hear this moderate’s and take heart- a hero dies but one death, cowards die many. For cowards such as Chris Mathews with chills running up your leg you make me nauseous! And you had a show call hard ball? The show should have been named “No Balls”

A primo fascia example of centrist appeasement indicating a blaring deviation towards politically moderate cronyism is how mysteriously For Fox News, exhumed from the integrity dead the likes of Geraldo Rivera demonstrating a sort of liberal nostalgia. Take it for one who has lived long enough to remember his sorted past, Geraldo is far from a conservative, in fact Fox News, why not hire Bill Ayres, or resurrect Saul Alinsky for the job, the matter is, he is left of Allen Comes but hides his true liberal face as if he were the phantom of the opera. A zebra cannot change its stripes, nor can Geraldo shave off his mustache which is his memento to the glory day of the 1960s when liberalism ran rapid and he became a liberal superstar.


But as with everything in history people tend to forget; surly the management teams of Fox forgot, or did they quickly and quietly sweep this momentous event under the rug? Even though it struck core of national security and actually forced Geraldo into exile, ostensibly until the fire storm he caused with antics unbecoming a News reporter blew over. One thing is for sure, I didn’t forget the incident vowing some day to avenge my comrades in arms this thoughtless narcissist put at risk. That time is now; my weapons are the words you read.

In short this is what transpired; though let me first say, this incident should never have happened, once again the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Fox News who should have claimed culpability for assigning him the position within a top secret military mission, knowing his questionable political ideology. Secondly Geraldo should have been held accountability and publically denounced, disgraced and immediately fired because of his actions. The liberation of Iraq pressed forward with lightning furry; with the world watching as our best and bravest effortlessly crush the Iraqi Army. However military strategists new the extremely intelligent opposition would be scrutinizing our News reports, with bated breath, for any sign of weakness in the armor of our superior militarily fighting machine which could be exploited and they got it. Imbedded or assigned to this vulnerable military fighting machine were civilian News reporters who for the most part served with honor, but for one Geraldo! The commander fervently instructed those of whom were assigned not to divulge, in any way any information, large or small pertaining to the troop placement whatsoever, yet regardless of the warning Geraldo, in his egotistical quest for glory straight out of the 1960s thinking, proceeds to draw a map in the sand explaining where and who the troops were and are, on worldwide TV which, in a time of war is an act of treason. His actions also jeopardized the mission and may have cost the lives of our forces. Employed, I would have had him incarcerated in a military stockade for the rest of his worthless life, how is that for fair and balanced?

Liberalism views fair and balanced as an appeasement known as weakness and appeasement is an ad nauseam to patriots, with our country’s constitution is under assault, now is not the time or place for fairness but fury, not balance just backlash, so take a stand. I respectfully pose a simple question to Fox News, an obviously rhetorical question, that is, does the liberal opposition clam to be fair? Or, for that matter, balanced? The answer is emphatically -NO! The radical left knows no shame it ram’s disinformation down our through with no mercy infecting the body politic, so do you think conservatives need to hear what the other side of right has to say, it is like asking a man saved from drowning if he would like a drink of water. We know exactly want the liberals want, the ablation of our constitution and formation of new world order in its place.

Kindly consider this Fox News, what makes you think, we care one scintilla about what Danny Glover, Shawn Pin head, or any other nit wit in Holley weird for that matter have to say.

READ MY LIPS-WE DON’T CARE! Americans are screaming out for pertinent information pertaining to serious issues, in the gloom of an increasing economic recession, unemployment running rapid, and nuclear proliferation I the hands of a mad man now reaching critical mass the words of fools avails us nothing.



Americans who have sons and daughters, husbands and wives risking their lives would enjoy seeing the battle against terror on the News, not just thirty seconds of a the same repetitive film clip played over and over again. Our military heroes deserve your support, warriors are fighting and dying every day to rid the world of terrorist vermin, where, pray tell is the news coverage? Support our warriors with real News coverage, Stop being a Hypocrite and do something.

Where is the conservative News support for our troops, the type of News which is cheering them on to victory after victory or do the tolerant liberals find pride in our country offensive? So much for tolerance.


Finally, Fox News is the last bastion of free media, the American people are grateful for but from someone we trust with the truth we expect, respect. Traditional Americans do not need both sides of the story to help us decide, we are coherent, despite liberal elites ignorance of fact. You see, God, our creator, created us with his image, and gave us the mind of Christ, we therefore are, institutive, logical, intelligent people who possess the ability to extrapolate information and comprehend it, no matter how tainted with misinformation the liberal media is, so my suggestion is, rather than your inauspicious attempt at platitudes, Fox News, do conservatives a favor please, report serious issues only, the rest is just –Bull. Here is a friendly word to the wise at Fox News, find another slogan, please. Fair and balanced is nauseating, in that, the connotation is, the opposition, our enemy, has the right to take up our time, as they have for decades, with their A. typical and B. logical moral indignations, vilification of Christians, the denunciation of American values and its constitution, the people are sick of it.

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