The Fourth Reich Steals $

The Fourth Reich Steals $

Blog 18/10/10

As a prelude to the development of a dictatorial regime massive funding is required in support of any covert operation. Just think about all the equipment required, including but not limited to -long distance observation glasses, Watergate stile bugs, listening devices to say nothing about, jack boots, hand cuffs, badges, guns, cars, food and lodging just to name a few. So, the million dolor question here is how does the Fuhrer get his thuggish Chicago mitts on the doe? And think big, not just millions but Billions of dollar’s of the tax payers money, the problem here is, the appropriation of immense funds must first be approved by the Legislative branch of government, not the Executive branch. This is a trivial dilemma for the Obama regime since street inspired class warfare is their fortea.

The solution is a simple put Rahm Emanuel his chief of staff in charge of stealing the money from trillions of stimulus funds that as of yet, has not been spent. Why? Because the community organizers trained in the ghettos of Chicago implement Gestapo tactics much like a gang of street smart thugs, they have no class, but their slick, real slick but stupid also. His problem is I am not! Here is their plan, strategically, the money is now being hidden in plain sight where anyone can see it, where it seems Republican Senator John Kyl did and forthwith dared to question transportation secretary Ray LaHood as to its destination. The insuring battle resulted in LaHood threats, intimidation and outright bullying of Senator Kyl with Chicago thuggish tactics. To continue, however the visible condition of the remaining billions of stimulus money is a mere illusion lasting only a while, eventually the American people notoriously will forget amidst the constant barrage of political and economic chaos.

Next move is to increase mayhem and confusion, preferably one which divides the populous, waiting for yet another oil spill crises, or any disaster will simply just not do. So, given the arrogance of this administration patients and waiting are not an option. A fat juicy smoke screen is essential, but what? What will derail the tea parties freight train sending off into the never, never land or liberalism’s class warfare. Diversion, of course! But how can Dur Fuhrer initiate an action avoiding detection? Easily, one phone call to the media and it will deploy the liberal army of reporters at their beckon call. Headlines which inform the people of a Muslim temple being proposed on the hallowed ground in the heart of New York City aka ground zero will ignite the fire of passion in the minds of the populous nationwide! And thus creating a frenzy of outraged citizens determined to embark upon the next crusade against the Muslim world seeking vengeance for those of whom, perished in this horrendous atrocity. But, for Dur Fuhrer- it is problem solved!

Once chaos of any sort is established all eyes shall be focused on the new disaster, which Bush is to blame for of course, then it is relatively easy to divert funding into new government agency illegibly for environmental protection – protection that is under the control of his – Obama’s, private secret Police of whom, strangely enough, no one knows a damn thing about. If this sounds crazy, trust me it is not, not only has it succeeded in the past but, mark my words, history is about to repeat herself once again.

And this is how it all began, on or about 1918 Woodrow Wilson, then President of the United States, created his very own fascist regime of spies under control of the Justice Department known as the American Protection League or APL which sound innocent enough and it was meant to. Members were issued badges, inscribed on the badges were the words “Secret Service” kindly note, in no way do I infer the  former goon squad police of the Wilson regime are remotely related to the later, bear in mind this occurred nearly 100 years ago. The mission of the Wilson’s private police is frightening; primarily due to the fact it may be, and probably is, happening right now, watch the similarities, these bag bearing bandits job was to keep an eye on their neighbor, co-workers and even their friends. In short, they were used as private eyes by overzealous prosecutors in thousands of cases and they were furnished with ample government resources. The protection league members were bound by an oath not to reveal they were secret police. Members read their neighbors mail and listened to phone conversations with government approval.  Wilson had unleashed literally hundreds of thousands of these badge bearing bandits on the American people. Now try to remember what Obama communicated in his somewhat bizarre statement on several occasions relating a necessary for this country to have a police force, as strong, if not stronger then our military? Why? And for what ends?

So mine Fuhrer, where is the stimulus money now? When George Stephanopoulos interviewed Republican senator John Kyl he asserted Obama’s beloved stimulus package hasen’t helped the country economy at all, due to the fact that Kyl noted which is, only 6.8 percent of the money had actually been spent. WHAT! Only 6.8 percent of the money is spent! So Obama, if I understand this correctly, while millions of citizens are standing on unemployment lines, the housing market is in shambles, home owners are being evicted Obama and his henchman are hiding 93.2 percent of the money! However 93.2 percent doe not mean a hill of beans to me, I am a realist, 93.2 percent is fantasy figures, therefore let’s say for argument sake, he,-Obama is holding or hiding only one trillion dollar’s of stimulus money that number is reality staggering, it looks like this $932,000,000,000.00 and The Fourth Reich is treating the money as if it belongs to them! But that is another subject, so I digress. I just wanted to point out how much money it really is in zero’s.

The frightening question here is where is the money going? And more pointedly, to whom and for what? As I alluded to before this money is now and has been unaccountable dough floating around in a corrupted government hands, it does not take a far stretch of the imagination to deduce an enormous misappropriation lurking in the wings. By simply divesting a few billion of the lingering stimulus fund, which no one will miss until it is too late, into more new protection agency or league, the people will assume we are either being protected or we joined a new football league, what a joke! I love the use work league sounds so sporty– only the joke is on us, people fall for stupid front name and crap the government tells us. In the meanwhile The Fourth Reich is being assembled; Obama apathetic idea of a jobs program is more government, his government, his personal governmental agencies in whom, he can employ his personal law enforcement police – similar to Wilson but with a diabolical agenda. Economic depressions work in the favor of a narcissistic dictators like him, who could not care less about the have knots as Alinsky, his mentor, referred to them, depressed people desperately seeking work to support their families will do just about anything, to anyone just to keep a roof over their heads.

Thus producing an army of robots willing to do as they are told, when they are told to do it. I surmise, tongue in cheek, Obama’s shall name his jobs programs The Jobs For Geniuses Organization, where the new and not improved, mentally challenged, badge bearing bandits of the new Obama job for geniuses program, will, by direct order of Dus Fuhrer monitor every aspect of our lives, for our own health and safety, and by the way America the latest study by the Environmental Protection Agency indicate you are environmental global warming problem and you must be castigated for breaking the law!


Thank you for your generous financial support, may God bless you.

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