Weakness is Death to America

Weakness is Death to America


Americans know, Obama mannerisms are being dissected and analyzed by the world leaders, many of which are, quite frankly,  ruthless dictators, narcissists, who would, without batting an eye, eviscerate their own people. Huddled together in solidarity within the walls of the United Nation Security Council, these authoritarian monsters study our seated commander and chief while patronizing his elitist intellect. Obama’s transparent naïveté is to the observant, as blatant as his protruding ears. Defiant as a spoiled child the thin skinned boyish leader more consumed with himself then, the daunting issues facing him, he, our President, proceeds to make a mockery of the great nation he impotently leads, bowing like a court jester to those who ridicule and threaten America. Indicating, by his foolish actions, just how weak we are begging to be servants of thugs.

This is why weakness is death. For starters, one must grasp the concept of long range diabolic stratagem, other countries have adopted, and second understand their plan. Take the former Soviet Union for example, but I strongly suggest reading “The Andropov Plan to fully understand. In short, the plan was a deception set into motion in late 1970s or early 1980s; the idea was to fend off western scrutiny through cooperation, rather than confrontation. All this, while orchestrating new operations with strategic partners, namely, China, Iran and naturally, Cuba- Brazil and Venezuela. Thus producing a coalition of strength, hence, the weakens America.

The penultimate phase of Gorbachev’s plan of reforms the Soviet’s called, perestroika, a word some may recall, set into motion a host of covert special actions by the Russian central committee of the communist party. They, in essence orchestrated a flip flop, if you will, form the once hard core political-economic system from soviet Marxist-Leninism to the Bolshevik Russian democrats. Therefore changing their world image from an empire of evil to a benevolent democracy, the proverbial wolf is now in sheep’s clothing, awaiting the black sheep for the slaughter, or President should I say.

Recently, Obama engaged in one of his infamous school boy meetings, the summit of Americas reviled the buffoon he truly is sitting quietly while being Tongue lashed from the Nicaraguan dictator, Daniel Ortega. However our jelly fish of President said not a word to object, nor defend our country against the filthy accusations. Personally, to express my vehement disapproval, and protest, as he, Ortega, was speaking in the first minute of the fifty minute lecture, I would simply get up, and walk out. There is no greater insult, or slap in the face for a narcissist who, loves to hear them self talk then, to simply get up and leave, while they are still taking.

Though our formidable military strength secures our sovereignty through the mere possibility of U.S. action it is not enough, in and of itself. Our true weakness and ultimate vulnerable, lies at the hands of our countryman, a pathetic few, whom, in their perverse theology, unleashed the mythological dragon upon the many. Much like the shadow on the wall Plato’s cave, is small band of anarchists have, in the past, hood winked conservatives into believing they are more powerful by their overbearing loud mouths and Gestapo tactics. Radical liberal statists are apathetic Godless socialist –Marxist deriving their strength from the god father of all radical liberal, Antonio Gramsci. These liberals, contritely hid their true agenda of a communist state, amidst an unrealistic dream of Utopian, rapped in the humanitarian flag of populous protection, laws and regulations which is nothing more then control, totalitarian control.


A British editor by the name of Christopher Story wrote this;

Ambition to control the Western mind is a long-standing objective of Soviet policy, embracing the idea of the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci, who argued that mastery of human consciousness should be a paramount political objective….control of the Western mind is to be achieved not only by the dishonest use of language, but also to demoralize the West through corrosive attacks on society’s intuitions, the active promotion of drug abuse, and the spiral of agnosticism, nihilism, permissiveness and concerted attacks on the family in order to destabilize society. Religion and the traditional cultural and moral hegemony must first be destroyed, before the revolution can be successful…..

Imprisoned by Mussolini in the 1930s this communist party leader set the groundwork for followers such as the likes of Saul Alinsky, his notebook would become the radical liberal manifesto we fight agents today.

Our military strength is without question the best deterrent we have to counter the terrorist threat, do remember the name terrorist means -the enemy, and we are at war with countries who use terror to establish its power, conceding to terror bolsters the threat, and weakens our strength. Conversely, appeasement of the radical liberal elitist whom, for their own ideological gratification, managed to render this mighty nation truly divided, religiously, economically, by social class, and now, once again by race.

Weakness -through Appeasement – means death to America

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